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link exchange (schimb de link)

By on decembrie 04, 2013
link exchange (schimb de link) free gratis

In aceasta pagina va propun schimbul de link clasic adica eu pun link-ul tau la mine pe blog si celelalte bloguri ale mele in footer,blogroll  sau side bar sau orude vreau eu doar sa fie link-ul tau.
Multi cred ca acest fel de link exchange (schimb de link) este invechit si nefolositor desi nu este asa,
modul traditional de link exchange (schimb de link) este printre cele mai profitabile si mai ales  ca aceste linkuri sunt indexate de Google .

Doar ca ar fi o problema lui Google nui plac link exchange (schimb de link) si daca faci abuz de link exchange (schimb de link) roboti Google i-ti inchid blogul ca si spam.

Ceea ce propun eu este ca tu sa lasi un coomentariu aici cu o adresa de mail sau orce  fel de contact si apoi facem schimbul asfe:

1. Tu scri articol pe blogul tau iar in textul articolului pui un cuvant cu un link spre blogul meu asa.

2. Eu scriu un articol pe blogul meu si in textul lui pun un link spre blogul tau asa.

Aceasta metoda de  link exchange (schimb de link)  Google o considera doar un simplu link si nu o indexeaza.
 Ca urmare cine doreste acest fel de   link exchange (schimb de link) sa lase un comentariu si va contactez in scurt timp.
 Link exchange (schimb de link) profitabil pentru tine si sau pentru mine.

link exchange (link exchange) free free

In this page we offer classic link exchange ie I put your link on my blog and my other blogs in footer, blogroll or side bar or orude I just want to be your link.
Many believe that this kind of link exchange (link exchange) is old and useless though it is not,
traditional way link exchange (link exchange) is among the most profitable only that these links are indexed by Google.

Just as Google's problem odd like link exchange (link exchange) and if you abuse link exchange (link exchange) Google robots  shut down your blog as spam.

What I propose is that you leave a cooment here with an email address or ANY kind of contact and then we return email or conttact:

1. You write your blog post and put a word in the text of the article with a link to my blog so.

2. I write an article on my blog and put in the text of the articole a link to your blog so.

This method of link exchange (link exchange) Google consider just a link and not indexed.
  Therefore those who want this kind of link exchange (link exchange) to leave a comment and will contact you shortly.
  Link exchange (exchange link) and profitable for you and for me.

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