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sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2014

backlinks are: backlink, linkback, inbound link, incoming link, inlinks, and inward links.

By on septembrie 27, 2014
Backlinks are :

 The relationship amongst pages on the Internet.

 Backlink is a link on one website that leads to another site.

 Backlinks are how sites get known online.

 Backlinks are the number of sites that are linking to your site.

 Backlink is a link one website gets from another website.

 Backlinks are links that go from other people's websites back to your website.

 Backlinks or Inbound Links (IBL's) are links that are directed towards your website.
What is Backlinks? 

Backlinks is a general representation of the total number of web pages which link to a website (or individual web page).

 Most of the major search engines support the "link:" operator. 

What does this tool do? 

This page will query the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) with your chosen Domain.

 It will return the total link count for each url. 

You will notice that the totals vary greatly from search engine to search engine; this is because the figures shown represent the number of inbound links that are known to that search engine (which will vary based on the size of their database). 

Most of the search engines (Google especially) also apply various filters against the inbound links; therefore, some inbound-links may not be counted toward the total. 

Why is Backlinks important?. 

Backlinks is important because it is a major factor used by search engines in determining a site's position in search results. 

Generally, a site with more inbound links will be positioned higher than a similar site with fewer links. Other factors that are considered include anchor text.

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